Re: hostname doesn't stick

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From: "Anne Wilson" <cannewilson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  localhost.localdomain  localhost

Mea culpa.  That is exactly what I have, and what I intended to
recommend.  Brain was obviously not entirely in gear at that moment.
NEVER change localhost as a name. The "hosts" file is not one you
should normally have to muck with, particularly the localhost line.
If you do not use dhcp to gather an address it should have your
machine's local address plus its fully qualified name on a line
below the localhost line.

If you have this for ifcfg-eth0, in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
with another copy in /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices then you may
have your machine name overridden by its dynamic address:
# <Note about NIC device type>
HWADDR=<MAC address>

The hosts file should refer to as localhost. If not programs
may fail.

If you do NOT run DHCP them set the HOSTNAME in the network file
to the name you want. If you run DHCP you're likely stuck with the
hostname you receive. There is a chance this is not the case. If
so the /etc/sysconfig/network file can look like this:

I'd give something like that a try.

Of course there is always the RTFM if you can FTFM ploy.

Fedora is nothing like the nice old RedHat I grew to love in the 5-9
days. The FMs are mostly awol or securely hidden from prying eyes.


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