Re: dual boot with Fedora and NTFS on windows: is it safe ?

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Ian Malone wrote:
On 12/09/06, Mike McCarty <Mike.McCarty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I gave up trying to access NTFS from Linux a couple of years ago,
when I found that even *read* access was unreliable (the propaganda
from the rabid Linux supporters notwithstanding). I found that file
names were unreliable, and I do not mean the standard issue of
NTFS being case preserving, but case ignoring. I mean like control
characters getting stuck into file names. Since the file names
were not reliable, I didn't check further into data integrity.

It appears to have progressed since then, and user space tools are
available which makes testing easier.  Still going to be waiting a
while before I ditch my FAT partitions though.
That's a very reasonable attitude. What disturbs me about it is not
that Linux perhaps cannot do what I want so much as it is that everyone
at the time told me I was hallucinating, and that Linux had perfect
read access. But I tried multiple distros on an NTFS partition, and
all of them had problems reading that partition, which worked perfectly
with Windows NT. The file names which got screwed up were different
each time I tried the copy, even without changing the distro.

So, given the fact that "everyone knew" that Linux could do it, and
I got all kinds of arguments, it just couldn't (at the time). Given
that, I do not trust the assurances of the experts here or elsewhere.

People on Debian told me I was wrong as well, so it's not just here.

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