Re: Sendmail 8.13.8...has anyone made their own RPMS for FC5?

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hi Gilbert

spam ?
no, i saw your mail on fedora *and* fedora-test list.
it was just a joke from me seeing this twice and remembering your mail with the last kernel -iirc- last month spurring (?) dave jones.
i have to watch out making jokes.
my intention was/is *not* to hurt someone.

and people who knows me, know that.
it's the lack of internet conversations unable to transport mimics, also.

currently playing with redhat/fedora since rh6.x i would like to say:
when there were security holes in the software i was always confident that the update-package was in the pipe. and i would also like to say that package maintainer get there input for updates quicker *as we do*.



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