Re: Emulating I. E.6

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--- Keith Powell <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> I need to occasionally connect to a U K government
> web site to get 
> information.
> However, in their wisdom(?), they have designed the
> site so that it is 
> only accessible using Internet Explorer6. On the
> Home Page, which is the 
> only one I can access, there is a statement saying
> this. Links to the 
> other pages don't do anything!
> I have tried using other browsers, but it is indeed
> only IE6 which can 
> be used.
> Is there any way to get Konqueror or Thunderbird to
> emulate IE6? I don't 
> want to put IE on my computer and run it with Wine.
> Or is there another 
> Linux browser which will pretend it is IE?
> Many thanks for any help
> Keith
> -- 
> fedora-list mailing list
> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
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You can use Mozilla firefox and get the User Agent
Switcher from

Click on it, edit options select allow plugins from and then click on it again.  User
Agent Switcher can be loaded after you close firefox. 
Look for it under tools -> User Agent Switcher,

Also you can use Konqueror. Click on Tools -> Change
Browser Identification and select IE. for Windows,
Windows 98/2000/XP/etc.



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