Re: FC5 Screensavers

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Cheers Jim.

Great, thanks very much for showing me that :)


Jim Cornette wrote:
Aaron Gray wrote:
I have both xscreensaver-gl-extras and xscreensaver installed but cannot see them in the screensaver preferences dialog :(
The two newly introduced gss programs mentioned in an early posting might help display all of the installed screensavers. I upgraded to the updates-testing version that are upgraded versions as of recently.
The gnome-screensaver program unchecks the xscreensaver-demo choice on 
the menu. In order to get the xscreensaver to appear on the menu, you 
need to right click on any of the three submenus while you hover over 
the menu bar. When you select "Edit Menus" there will be a preferences 
heading in the left panel for the menu editor. In the right panel with 
preferences selected in the left panel, there will be an icon for 
xscreensaver with a tv screen with a flame and a lock as content. This 
is the xscreensaver menu that was hidden because of gnome-screensaver 
being the default. After you select the checkmark, you should see this 
selection under system > preferences > screensaver (with the flame). 
You will be prompted to start the daemon for xscreensaver. From there, 
you should be able to customize your xscreensaver menu.
Regarding gnome-screensaver and the improvements, I did not like the 
all random, one selection or blank screen limitation. The hack does 
make it more appealing, but the inability of not being able to 
unselect various screensavers from the available screensavers is still 
a major regression in my view.

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