Re: [FC5] Unable to blank CD-RW

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2006/9/8, Anne Wilson <cannewilson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Friday 08 September 2006 07:58, Antonio Montagnani wrote:
> Suddenly I am not able to blank any CD-RW with KB3.
> I get the following report:
> TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
> What shall I do??
I have this problem with K3B in FC4, and a friend tells me that it is still
there in FC5.  Sometimes it appears that blanking has occurred, but then I
can't write to the disk.

As a workaround, until it is solved, I blank in XCDRoast.


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I find strange that my KB3s were working up to a few days ago (I
blank/burn a CD-RW when a new kernel is released as I am starting one
PC with a boot CD..) and now no KB3s are working any longer at least
for blanking.They are fully updated (FC5).
Any explanation by any FC5 guru???
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag

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