Re: Intel Woodcrest Crash under heavy load with FC5 and MySql

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Hi Ed,

Ed K. wrote:

.... 'no' to all your questions, but in my experience:

I bought a computer with an SuperMicro OEM motherboard, the H8DCE

Looks nice,
and I had nothing but the same trouble you tell about. With this motherboard and a 3ware 9500S-8.
Using the onboard SATA was not a problem - only with the 3ware.
Strange, because I also have about 40 of these boxes with that card and (but using Intel CPU's) and never had a problem!
I sent the card back to 3ware, upgraded the bios in the motherboard, 
and updated the firmware in the
drives - all no luck.
We'll I don't think 3ware are being to helpful right now, even though it really looks like scsi disk errors
Head over to
those guys are on top of things!

Then I put a Tyan S2850G2N in the server no problems!

I question the OEM line of SuperMicro.
We'll I dealing directly with SM and my vendor and I have very 
impressed, on a number of occaisions I have had BIOS fixed within 12 
hours, and in fact, they already done two BIOS fixes on this board for 
me already one was in about 4 hours.


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