Re: vmware upgrade fc4->fc5

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On 9/6/06, Paul Lemmons <Paul.Lemmons@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

My Google foo is either not working or it is simply not there. When FC5 came
out I tried to upgrade my VM from FC4 to FC5. I was able to get around the
"Disk not found" error during the install by specifying the Buslogic SCSI
controller during the install. It appeared to do the install but failed to
boot because it was not able to find the disk after the upgrade.

 I was only able to find one site that had any information at all on how to
accomplish this successfully and it spoke of recompiling kernels (something
I really do not want to do). It also did not give me a lot of warm fuzzies
that it would work when I was done.

 Has anybody done this successfully? If so how?

 Win/XP running VMWare 5.5.2 currently running Fedora core 4 with current

Go here ( ) get latest vmware-any-any and
vmware-tools-any patches, install package, apply
patches and you're done.

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