Re: Breaking httpd on FC4

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Philip Mark Donaghy wrote:
I've read many posts on the internet about the problems related to
changing IP address. We changed the IP on a Fedora 4 system now we are
unable to start httpd. I've looked for references to the old IP
everywhere. And the error_log does not tell me anything. Is there a
way to get more information from httpd?
How did you change the IP?  It shouldn't in itself cause the least bit 
of trouble.
Did you check /var/log/messages for any hints?  If you run selinux / 
auditd, also have a look in /var/log/audit/audit.log
If there is still no hint, first make sure all your httpd processes are 
killed as suggested by someone else
killall httpd

then try running it directly and see if it moans about anything to the console


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