Re: Linux mail command

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Paul Ward schrieb:

Hi all,

I was hoping for some advice on the mail command or posfix config.

How can I send mail and change the from address to be something other than root.

0 1,7,13,19 * * * cd /usr/sbin/; ./chkrootkit 2>&1 | mail -s
"chkrootkit output" pnward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This returns an excellent output but its from root@mybox.
I'd like it to come from chkrootkit@mybox

Use "nail" instead of "mail". nail is packaged in Fedora Extras. It 
allows you to set the envelope sender - at least I think you mean that 
when your speak about the "from address" in lack of better knowledge (as 
oppose to the header from:). The "sendmail" binary call allows you to 
set the envelope sender as well, by using the "-f user@xxxxxxxxxx" 
parameter call (both with Sendmail and Postfix). If you instead want a 
header from: set you must do a different mailing which sets the required 
header fields and not simply pipes output into a mail body.

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