Re: dhcp issue

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On 9/2/06, Tod Merley <todbot88@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 9/2/06, Gbenga Shobowale <gshobowale@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just upgrade to FC5 before then I had 2 NIC in one with static IP
> and other on DHCP, however after the upgrade my machine can't seem to
> up up an IP from the modem...I Check the card its configured properly
> and the one with a static IP works fine...I put the link on a windows
> machine and it work..hence I think FC is having a problem with
> DHCP..any ideas anyone?
> Thanks
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Hi Gbenga Shobowale!

My first thought is that your DHCP client is not looking at the eth1
interface.  It shows a few packets recieved apparently less than half
responded to.  Probably being queried by the server but with no DHCP
client looking not responded to.

Here is how to look arround a bit - -
Thanks Tod...
I did look around but I was under pressure to get the machine up and
running within 4 hours...I looked at the client and everything seems
Anyway I took a drastic measures of reinstalling the machine also
there was another issue of not getting the login page not working...
I wished I had more time.... but all the same thanks for all your help..

At the moment (I am working on it right now) I do not have an FC5 box
in the house so perhaps the way I found where some things are will be
of help:

As root do an "updatedb".  This may take some time, all files are
being catalogued.

Then look for 'dhclient.conf":

tod@tod-desktop:/var/lib/dhcp3$ locate dhclient.conf

Note the man page available for dhclient.conf!!

Now lets find the leases:

tod@tod-desktop:/etc/dhcp3$ locate leases
tod@tod-desktop:/etc/dhcp3$ /var/lib/dhcp3/

Running "cat" (print to screen) on all of the above showed them blank
(due to a nasty IPv6-dns problem I run static).  So for you I used
Ubuntu's System > Administration > Networking tool to set eth0 to use
DHCP.  I also used "sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf" (sudo obtains root
priviledges for what comes after) to edit out my local DSL modem's
nameserver (the IPv6 thing).

Now a differant result (note: X's in the IP's for privacy):

tod@tod-desktop:/var/lib/dhcp3$ cat dhclient.leases
lease {
 interface "eth0";
 fixed-address 192.168.X.X;
 option subnet-mask;
 option routers 192.168.X.X;
 option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
 option dhcp-message-type 5;
 option domain-name-servers 192.168.X.X,;
 option dhcp-server-identifier 192.168.X.X;
 option domain-name "domain.actdsltmp";
 renew 0 2006/9/3 05:30:41;
 rebind 0 2006/9/3 14:48:15;
 expire 0 2006/9/3 17:48:15;

Well, that will probably get you started.

Good Hunting!


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