Re: LDAP/nsswitch/boot issues

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Ah - thank you, thank you, thank you....  that was a different
problem, but one of the comments made me slap my head and go "oh
that's it".   My solution was as simple as setting "bind_policy soft"
in /etc/ldap.conf.  I should have realized that earlier, but sometimes
it's the obvious things that drive you nuts...

I hadn't looked in bugzilla because I figured it was something I had
configured incorrectly rather than a bug (and I was right about
that!), but the bugzilla entry you pointed me to was exactly what I
needed to have that Eureka moment.

Thanks again,

On 9/3/06, Anduin Withers <awithers@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm having an issue that I hope you can help me with.  This must be a
> common problem, but I can't find anything about it -- maybe I'm not
> making the right google queries...

If you search bugzilla with a simple "LDAP boot" you will find a handful of

Anduin Withers

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