Re: Seven Percent

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Tom Horsley wrote:
I'll never understand what Ubuntu has that other distributions
With Ubuntu there appears to be just one distribution, and you can
buy commercial support or not, but it is all the same.

No suspicions that the free users are just beta testing
the commercial system, or the commercial users have access
to secret goodies. Any updates fix bugs for both at the
same time.
No confusing decisions to make about which distribution is
the one you need. I can see why it would be attractive.

Actually there are 4 'buntus, Ubuntu (Gnome desktop), Kubuntu (KDE), 
Xubuntu (XFCE), and Eubuntu (I don't know what this is). I've tried U, 
K, and X and they're all superficially very nice. For "Aunt Tilly" who 
wants to read email and browse the web they're all you need. And my 
laptop wireless worked without tweaking!
But be prepared for a learning curve if you're indoctrinated in "the 
RedHat way" of system administration. And the package tools (synaptic 
and adept) look really slick, until you actually try to use them.
I'm sure that both distros can learn something from the other.



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