Re: removing ssh access in an emergency

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On 31/08/06, Jacques B. <jjrboucher@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You could always set up a cron job that would delete the key on your
server.  Then make sure you log in before the cron job executes to
post date it to the following week.  So as long as you log in weekly,
you can set the new date.  If you lose your key, within a week the key
is erased from the server and the key on the thumb drive becomes

I quite like that one, in that it doesn't require any additional action
for the key to be deleted (no extra usb sticks, no access to the
internet etc.)

Personally I'd simply ensure I have a good passphrase to accompany the
key, then keep a backup of the key somewhere accessible where you can
get it and log onto your server to change it if you lose your USB

True, but boring.


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