Re: Command for scrolling back through text on CLI

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On 8/30/06, Aaron Konstam <akonstam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 23:20 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> If I'm in text mode and run a command like, ls /usr/bin, I get a load of text
> scrolling by with no way to get back to the start of it. What command do I
> need to use so that I can scroll back through the text? Or are there any
> specific key combinations that will do this?
> I looked at "man ls" and "man tail", but there didn't seem to be any help
> there.
> Thanks.
> Nigel.
I am not sure why you can't use the scroll feature of the terminal
window to do this. In seetting up an xterminal you can vary the size of
the scroll buffer.

how about you pipe the result of ls to more or less comands and hit
enter to continue


ls /usr/bin |less

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