Re: What is the language "British"?

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--- Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It can be quite distressing for some students to
> find out that they've
> been shortchanged, and there's no remedy.  e.g.
> English at high school
> was generally useless writing of book reviews, etc. 
> No actual teaching
> of using the language.  What they taught was useless
> to the great
> majority of the population (how many do that as a
> job?), and if you had
> any problems with understanding the language, well
> tough.  You weren't
> going to be taught how to understand or write the
> language, there.
> I stopped working in schools years ago, and I have
> no real desire to be
> a part of the current system.
> -- 
> (Currently running FC4, in case that's important to
> the thread)
> Don't send private replies to my address, the
> mailbox is ignored.
> I read messages from the public lists.
> -- 
> fedora-list mailing list
> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> To unsubscribe:

Nowadays, looks like the same thing is happening. 
With all that damn testing, and "No Child Left
Behind", teachers are just trying to "rat train"
students to pass the tests.  No life skills are
learned.  Reality sets in for many of these students
when they try to seek higher education.  The teaching
profession is a hard one and with more and more crap
from the government, no wonder many teachers get out
and many do not want to come back.  



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