Re: yum update os?

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Jim Cornette wrote:
Marc wrote:
Can I do a yum update from FC5 to the latest FC6? How hard is that to do?

It is possible. You first need to download and install the 
fedora-release package with rpm, once FC6 is released. It still has 
awhile to go for release. Test 3 starts Sept 11th. The release is 
Next you need to run yum -y upgrade at a minimum. You should be at 
runlevel 3 and in a terminal as root to do this. If the X server 
resets while you are upgrading, a big mess happens to your system and 
the rpm database.
Also, you might want to upgrade yum first before continuing. Then take 
care of any packages that were removed or changed drastically.
I recently ran this process on an FC4 to FC5 system and it left an 
/etc/fstab file with an entry which interfered with the mounting of a 
CD as user. There were no major problems except for needing to update 
packages which used hotplug, which was removed for FC5 and then 
upgrade initscripts and other packages before I could get the upgrade 
going. Upgrading from FC5 to FC6 might have other problems which need 
addressed before you can upgrade. You might want to read the release 
notes before attempting the upgrade.
I suggest downloading the media and allowing the installer for FC6 to 
upgrade your system. The developers should have taken action to make 
upgrading from FC5 to FC6 easier. They cannot catch all problems, but 
do catch a lot of reported or discovered bugs.
Upgrading via yum takes a lot of time over my cable network. There 
might be unanticipated problems upgrading with yum.

I have the livna repo installed, so theoretically if I wait until FC6 final and the livna repo to catch up, all I have to do is install the fedora-release rpm and do like you said, right?

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