Re: What is the language "British"?

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From: "William Case" <billlinux@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hi All;

As interesting as the discussion is comparing English (UK) and English
(USA), the point being made by the original post is, there is no such
thing as the "British" language. No one I know of would use the word to
describe a language.
Usage rules.  That's why there is so many forms of English -- large
numbers of people in different countries, in fact use different words or
spellings.  If its not used (or historical), its not a word.

On Mon, 2006-28-08 at 14:25 +0100, Timothy Murphy wrote:
I was installing FC-5 yesterday,
and I noticed that when asked to choose my language,
I was given an extensive list which included "British" but not "English".

I never heard this language described as "British" before.

Timothy Murphy e-mail (<80k only): tim /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

My Gnome version of the language setup gui gives me the choice of:
English (Australia), English (Botswana), English (Canada), English
(Denmark -- now the differences in that one would be interesting),
And I wonder what my American expat former Buff pilot friend in Denmark
would say about it.


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