On Sun, 27 Aug 2006, Lyvim Xaphir wrote: [...]
Leafnode looks like it can either be used for server or client purposes. Xinetd however is a master controller program that wakes up a plethora of other server-centric services; not a good thing to be running on a desktop, since it consumes resources for the purpose of allowing incoming connections, keeps watch on ports that are opened, and then acts on those open ports( not a help to desktop security). Furthermore a great number of attacks are premised on xinetd being active. Leafnode may 'require' xinetd to be there (based on it's rpm requirements), however on a desktop you are better off avoiding running xinetd and then just running the leafnode app that you need, when you need it. LX
Instead of manually running xinetd and fetchnews I wanted those to run in the background, fetchnews executing periodically. However, you've given me food for thought regarding security. I haven't noticed any performance issues.
-- Thufir <http://hawat.thufir.googlepages.com/>