Re: How can I compiling Fedora 5?

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On 8/28/06, Timothy Murphy <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sergio Silva wrote:

> I need compiling the Kernel and not Fedora. Then I need download the
> kernel. In my case, the packet is called linux- This is
> ok? Thanks
> Timothy Murphy <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu: Sergio Silva wrote:
>> Which packets are necessary for a compiling Fedora 5.
>> In my box are instaled :
>> kernel-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5
>> kernel-devel-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5
>> This is enought?
> Fedora 5 and the Linux kernel are completely different things.
> Fedora 5 is an operating system consisting of a vast number of programs,
> including a version of the kernel.
> Very few people compile Fedora.
> If in fact you mean the kernel,
> then you will need the kernel source as well.

Actually, I was wrong;
the kernel-devel rpm does contain the kernel sources.
I don't think so.

These should appear in /usr/src/kernels/2.6.17-1.2174_FC5-i686/ .
There are only headers and makefiles there if you have only installed
the kernel-devel rpm.


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