hawat.thufir@xxxxxxxxx schreef: > I'm over at <http://dries.studentenweb.org/yum/fedora/linux/> and don't > see anything for FC5. How is the dries repository setup, please? > > I've found samples of FC4 dries.repo files, but nothing for FC5. His > (?) website specifies FC1-4 only. > > > > > Dries and Dag have merged their repos at RPMforge. -- They say if you play a Microsoft CD backwards, you hear satanic messages.Thats nothing, cause if you play it forwards, it installs Windows. Progress (n.): The process through which the Internet has evolved from smart people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of smart terminals. "Religion is the opiate of the masses." -- Karl Marx "Winners don't do drugs." -- The FBI