Hello list, My Mobile (Motorola L6) appears to support Bluetooth GPRS. hcitool suggests channel 1. I have tried to configure it (following http://www.niemueller.de/wiki/?GPRSviaBluetooth) but don't seem to be able to get it to work. can anyone help? When I type: /sbin/ifup GPRS I get: Failed to activate GPRS with error 8 man pppd says: "The connect script failed (returned a non-zero exit status)." How can I get more info on the connection please? Also, if I try minicom I get: minicom: cannot open /dev/rfcomm0: No such file or directory which is not true. In each case the bluetooth symbol comes on on the phone for a few seconds. I can copy files each way with obex; I think I am bonded. Ideas? Thanks, Bill