Hello, I have a newly installed FC4 machine that seems to reboot at night for no apparent reason. I checked /var/log/messages and the log contains all messages from the startup, but nothing that looks like a reason for a reboot. I ran chkrootkit and rkhunter and found nothing. The machine does not have a lot to do, it is mainly used as a backup server that other machines mount via NFS to store nightly backups (tgz files) on. It is also used as a firewall for the secondary internet connection and as cfengine server. The machine is running in text mode only. The machine comes back automatically, the only reason I noticed the reboot at all was that I called "uptime" and the machine claims being up for a few hours while it should really have been a few days... Does anybody know what could cause a reboot on the software/OS side of things? Thanks, MARK