On 7/27/06, Patrick Doyle <wpdster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This doesn't answer your question ("What went wrong?"), but when I wanted access to my NTFS, I found the following at http://www.fedorafaq.org/#ntfs $ wget http://www.fedorafaq.org/samples/yum.conf $ sudo mv /etc/yum.conf /etc/yum.conf.orig $ sudo cp -i yum.conf /etc $ sudo rpm -Uvh http://www.fedorafaq.org/yum http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-5.rpm $ sudo yum install kmod-ntfs Once I did that, I was able to $ sudo mount -t ntfs -oro,uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/hda1 /c have you tried tohave you tried to Oh yeah, if you don't have "sudo" set up on your system, you can change all of the commands that read: sudo this that to read su -c "this that"
I guess its not related to the rpm itself. What I am concerned about is the "Permission denied" message. I am doing everthing as "su -" and yet permission denied??? I have seen one or two similar message also when I updated (everything) after fresh installation of FC5. Can somebody tell me what this message mean? right now I am having "package installed but not installed" problem. If I querry the rpm it says installed and if I try to remove it, it says the package is not installed, If I try to reinstall over the older one it says the package is installed. After several try I have uninstall through yum and its uninstalled. Now main question still remains. what is this message? what does it mean? and how to solve it? Thanks!