I recently updated my FC5 from an old A7S333 board to and A8V board
This board now has a 10/100/1000 NIC card on the MB. I have
noticed however after upgrading my switch to a 10/1000 D-link, I can
not achieve 1000Mbit speeds on my network. I do not see any
problems in the log files or network configs. The D-Link
indicates that both machines are currently 10/1000 connected.
After testing speed by transferring a 6.3GB file between both machines,
I get following results:
9min to transfer 6.3GB
700MB a minute
11.66 MB a second
93.333 Mbit/second ( not anywhere close to 1000 Mbit a sec )
All of this is going through Samba. If this makes any difference.
I have 2 boxes on this network which are:
1: Intel 2.8GHz 800FSB (Asus P4P800-SE) w/ 10/100/1000 nic on MB (Win XP) 2GB Ram DDR400
2: AMD 3500 Athlon (Asus A8V) w/ 10/100/1000 nic on MB ( Fedora 5 32-bit ) 1GB Ram DDR400
Can anyone shed any light on the problem?