jakubi wrote:
I get these error messages:
"Failed to activate ppp0 with error 2"
no such device
on boot,
"Failed to activate ppp0 with error 8"
from /sbin/ifup ppp0, when connection is off, and
"Failed to activate ppp0 with error 6"
these indicate script failure before CONNECT
when conection is on.
I have an external serial modem, and I can connect with KPPP, but the firewall Firestarter does seem to have a conflict with this ppp0 issue. Eg. an error message like:
"Starting the Firestarter: ppp0: error fetching
interface information"
appears on boot.
What is the origin of this problem? How to solve it?
Regards, Alejandro
You need to watch /var/log/messages.
I assume that you tried to set up ppp using system-config-network or one
of the KDE tools.
There are two distinct pieces of Fedora ppp. To start, use the wvdial
command to test your dialup settings in /etc/wvdial.conf.
# wvdial ppp0
This will show you what its trying to do.
Make changes to /etc/wvdial.conf until this part works.
Next, use system-config-network to edit your ifconfig script, or edit it
by hand.
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0
Use two terminals to test your ifconfig script: first one: tail -f
/var/log/messages and second one: ifup ppp0
You will get it.