Hello, I am looking for suggestions on a simple, easy to integrate PHP script that would function as somewhat of a cross between a knowledge base and a article posting CMS. I don't really want any fancy, oo laden script with heavy output, just something that pushes out simple html sO i can include it into my PHP driven website. Also, I would love it could handle wiki markup in the input., ie. no need for WYSIWYG elements. I would prefer it uses MySQL as the backend. I ask because there are just so many CMSs out there it is hard to find one that meets these criteria, I am hoping someone else has come across such before. Suggestions, or suggestions of a better place to ask would be greatly appreciated. I would just roll my own, but time is just not available at current. Thank you. For the curious, the purpose would be to post up little Linux/Fedora tips that I come across to make said solutions easily findable to others. Thanks again. Peace Arthur