Hi, Under FC4 I am trying to export a filesystem through NFS. The export fails, however hard I try. If I try to mount the (obviously unexported) FS from another machine, I get the usual "reason given by server: Permission denied" message. The question is how to debug this anomaly, namely that exportfs does not do anything, and does not report any error.? HEre is what I did: ----------------- 1 stop iptables 2 restart nfsd 3 Check NFS support in kernel: zcat /proc/config.gz | grep NFS CONFIG_NFS_FS=y CONFIG_NFS_V3=y # CONFIG_NFS_V3_ACL is not set CONFIG_NFS_V4=y CONFIG_NFS_DIRECTIO=y CONFIG_NFSD=y CONFIG_NFSD_V3=y # CONFIG_NFSD_V3_ACL is not set CONFIG_NFSD_V4=y CONFIG_NFSD_TCP=y CONFIG_NFS_COMMON=y CONFIG_NCPFS_NFS_NS=y 4 "Check your /etc/exports file and make sure that the volume is exported and that your client has the right kind ..." Here is the entry from /etc/exports: /mnt/md0,no_subtree_check,rw) 5 "Make sure that you have told NFS to register any changes you made to /etc/exports since starting nfsd by running the exportfs command. Be sure to type exportfs -ra to be extra certain that the exports are being re-read." exportfs -rav exportfs -ra .. --> No output. 6. Check the file /proc/fs/nfs/exports and make sure the cat /proc/fs/nfs/exports # Version 1.1 # Path Client(Flags) # IPs volume and client are listed correctly. (You can also look at the file /var/lib/nfs/xtab for an unabridged list of how cat /var/lib/nfs/xtab* -> zero byte files. all the active export options are set.) If they are not, then you have not re-exported properly. If they are listed, => So what can I do if they are not properly exported? Cheers Gaspar