On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Nat Gross wrote:
On 6/28/06, Matthew Saltzman <mjs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just curious: Have you installed the initscripts RPM from updates-testing
as I suggested in another thread?
I have not (yet) for three reasons.
1. I hesitate to use something from 'testing' repos. (Waiting on more
I and a few other people I know have been using it for three months with
no apparent ill effects. The only changelog entry since the original FC5
initscripts is:
* Fri Mar 17 2006 Bill Nottingham <notting@xxxxxxxxxx> 8.31.2-1
- add udev helper to rename network devices on device creation
Frankly, it is beyond me why this fix continues to languish in
2. Since for the most part that station's link to the lan/wan is not
working, I need to manually copy the rpm (via cd-rw), then I might run
into a situation where dependant rpm's are required. Without yum on
the wan.....
That's a risk, but I think all the dependencies are now in updates anyway.
If not, then the update won't install and you may need one or two more
packages. I'm sure the dependencies don't go very deep and for something
like initscripts, it is unlikely that you won't have them already
installed. Particularly considering how small the change is.
3. If push comes to shove, the simplest thing might be to physically
remove the second nic.
That should work, but why go to such extremes if there is an alternative?
Am just wondering, would bonding the two nics into one virtual ip
address (both plugged into the same router on the same lan segment)
solve the problem?
I doubt it. I think the confusion is over which NIC Linux thinks is
associated with which device.
Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu