I am most grateful to all of you for helping me start with Fedora.
I needed around 4 workstations for my dessertation and to economize, I am trying to setup Vmware on windows, with Fedora as the guest OSes.
I just tested the first setup of Fedora as a guest, and so far all is well, except for a one small problem. When i run Eclipse first my mouse stops working and then the entire guest OS stops responding. Although outside the Vmware environment, my machine (host) works fine. I then have to stop (shutdown) the Fedora environment from the Vmware. Apart from the Eclpise application all is working fine and smoothly.
I am using FC4 as the guest and Windows XP Professional as the host.
Can anybody suggest a cure to this problem?
Thank you very much,
Abid Ghufran.