The ongoing saga of dead dual head for ATI based devices continues. Using the latest Rawhide radeon driver, the situation is vastly improved over FC5, yet still far from the working state present in FC4 (which I now consider to have been serendipitous). Configuring xinerama mode is doable and it works although it had to be done manually. system-config-display is severely broken and bug reports have been filed into the Fedora Black Hole bug reporting system. I've attempted a dozen variants on getting two separate X displays running on each head with no success so far. My first attempt was to use the xorg.conf that worked successfully with FC4 but that resulted in a "no signal" condition with FC5 and on Rawhide. Then I tried a dozen or so variants attempting to guess how xorg.conf should be configured given the radeon man page. Success by discovery can be both a very tedious and frustrating process, so I'm hoping that some X guru can suggest: 1) an xorg.conf file that actually does work for configuring separate X displays in a dual head configuration with a recent Rawhide ati driver (I'm using xorg-x11-ati-6.6.0-3) or 2) an xorg.conf file that could be reasonably expected to work in a dual head ati based system. Thanks, -pmr