I have FC5 and recently started using fetchmail to poll my collection of
pop3 accounts on various sites (work, gmail, isp, etc)
It works fine but recently I restarted the machine due to a new kernel
and forgot to start fetchmail manually. No mail was lost of course, but
I was wondering why I wasn't getting much mail for a day... (I say "much
mail" because I was getting the mail that is sent to my smtp server
Is there a (standard/best practices) way to start fetchmail
automatically when the system starts? I've googled and seen that it's
easy, just "service fetchmail start", but when I try that as root, I get
an error that says fetchmail is an unrecognized service.
I want it to start automatically, just as apache, sendmail (smtpd) etc
do... I don't want it to wait until I log on to my userid because I
often access my mail from another system via IMAP (if I'm on the local
network) or SquirellMail if I'm "outside".
[root@boris ~]# service fetchmail start
fetchmail: unrecognized service
[root@boris ~]# rpm -q fetchmail
I run fetchmail in daemon mode, starting it from the CLI (when I
remember) :-)