Hi Last week I upgrade my system from FC4 to FC5 reinstalling FC5 from start, in the same partitions that prior I have FC4, but after install, when reboot grub don't run and I can never boot FC5, I try to reinstall grub, but neither option that I try work, finally I run a command to clear mbr but the result is that I lose my partirion table. I run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 - to clear mbr ather that I run grub-install and it say invalid partition table I'm a lucky man and don't lose any data... now I want to install FC5 again. FC5 partitions can be in any place of a hardisk, or not? this is my partition table: /dev/hda - my hd /dev/hda1 - 15 GB primary partition for windows /dev/hda2 - 100 MB primary for /boot whit the rest I create a logical disk, and /dev/hda5 - 10 GB NTFS /dev/hda6 - x GB for /home /dev/hda7 - x GB for /var /dev/hda8 - x GB for / /dev/hda9 - x MB for swap this is the partition table that I have with FC4 and WinXP, prior to upgrade to FC5. Geetings ______________________________________________ LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto. http://es.voice.yahoo.com