Jacob (=Jouk) Jansen wrote:
Hi all,
I try to setup vpn connection. I use the Cisco vpnclient (4.8) on a FC5
system. The connection can be made and I make connection to a remote node with
ssh -Y remote.node. On the remote node I try to open some X-window (i.e.
xclock). If I have my firewall enabled the ssh session to the remote node
will hang for ever, if I disable the firewall the window is necely displayed.
Question : How do I have to configure my firewall in this case? (I use the
default firewall comming with FC5). Which ports are to be inserted as
If I use the vpnc from Extra's I do not have these firewall problems (I do
not understand at all why there is a difference)
However, the vpnc is not an option at the moment because it seems not to
survive the "rekeying" and I am always thrown out after exactly 7h36m31s.
Bush : All votes are equal but some votes are more equal than others.
Jouk Jansen
Technische Universiteit Delft tttttttttt uu uu ddddddd
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience tttttttttt uu uu dd dd
Nationaal centrum voor HREM tt uu uu dd dd
Lorentzweg 1 tt uu uu dd dd
2628 CJ Delft tt uu uu dd dd
Nederland tt uu uu dd dd
tel. 31-15-2782272 tt uuuuuuu ddddddd
I don't know if it's applicable in this case but have you tried
NetworkManager and NetworkManager-vpnc? It works fine for me.
The cisco vpn client and vpnc interface with the system differently;
vpnc creates a separate network interface for the tunnel (tun0).
Past that, I'm not that knowledgeable on the subject.