Frank Cox wrote: > Has anyone used this? [spambayes] Yes, I'm using it. It's coping pretty well with around 2500 spams a month (that's not a request for more...) I use procmail to pipe mail through it, and mutt to pipe mis-categorised e-mail through the relearning scripts. > Comments? Alternatives? Personally, I find it works better for me than SpamAssassin. But the best review of antispam software for Linux that I know of is found at with a follow-up at . > It looks very cool. Are there any up-to-date rpm packages around anywhere? > The only ones that I could find are substantially out-of-date. I seem to have generated an RPM from source, without taking notes of how I did it. That was careless. There is the option to unpack the source archive and run python bdist_rpm which is supposed to create an RPM. But it doesn't seem to do that on FC5, at least with 1.0.4. James. -- E-mail address: james | I have never used the word contemnor before today. | Thank you for giving me the opportunity. | -- "Bystander", London magistrate