On 5/2/06, Caser <caser24@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
hi to all I'm a newbie , way is the Package Updater have to download more then 40 to ....(its not stopping ) to retrieve update information it used to be so fast maybe its about the yum.repos.d i have the fowling: crash-hat.repo didier.repo dries.repo fedora-core.repo fedora-development.repo fedora-extras.repo fedora-extras-development.repo fedora-legacy.repo fedora-updates.repo fedora-updates-testing.repo freshrpms.repo kernels.repo kernels.repo.1 livna.repo livna-devel.repo livna-testing.repo macromedia.repo macromedia-i386.repo any advice is really appreciated!!!
1. Unless you are a tester disable all the kernel, development and testing repos. 2. FC5 is not in legacy make sure fedora-legacy.repo is disabled.