On 4/21/06, Teilhard Knight <teilhk@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am trying to install FC-5, but X won't start for graphical install. I
tried text install but I get a blue screen and installation also hangs. I
then disabled ACPI (linux acpi=off), and I cannot install either.
I have three drivers where to install from and I always get the same
Now, I have a Geoforce3 Nvidia card which, browsing here apparently gives
problems with the kernel in FC-5. My monitor is a Sony Trinitron
Upon checking the installation disk, I got a "pass" (it's OK to install
this disk), and trying the disk in another computer, the installer works
right, up to the point of actual installation.
Is there anything I could do to enable me to install?
Are you installing x86 or x86_64? If it is x86_64 wait for FC6 or
later. Perhaps by that time the drivers will have matured and match
the x86 ones.
If x86 try an NFS or FTP install.
I am trying to install x86. Where can I see how to install by those methods
you suggest? I confess I have no idea of what an NFS install is, and I just
know what FTP is, not how to install via FTP.