Hello, What do I want to do? Print a worddoc(Microsoft or openoffice) to a printer that will produce a ps, which has to be transformed to a pdf file, which will be send by email, as an attachment. I am searching the internet for days now, to find a way to produce a postscript file, without printing to a printer. This file can be transformed to pdf with ps2pdf. Or is there another way? Actually I want to configure a small linux installation, where every workstation, on the network, can send a file to a specified directory. Some program will pick up everyone of these files, produce a pdf and send it to an emailaddress as an attachment. You could think of this installation as a black-box(in: anydoc out:email-with-pdf-attachment) Thank for help Roland Brouwers C.A.T. bvba Antwerp-Belgium roland@xxxxxx