I'm struggling to understand what my alsa configuration /ought/ to be; I had grief making sound work after my FC5 upgrade and am now in a position where things have to be configured slightly different for each user in order to work. I know I may have to mode this to the alsa list.
After the upgrade I had to create a load of links in /usr/share/alsa to /etc/alsa where my alsa config. files appeared to be, and I'm now uncertain where they /ought/ to be, and why, if the location's formally moved, I'm the only one suffering this.
Now sound seems to work, but while xmms (e.g.) works fine for me, for anyone else logged in the 'default' output needs to be changed to 'hw:0,0' otherwise I get odd IPC failure messages (in fact, I got those myself the first time, but they went for my login after a reboot).
I haven't really made any customisations to my alsa config., except that I did install it initially (from FreshRPMs or ATrpms) way back when before it was formally included, which may be the origin of some issues.
Anyone know the deal about /etc/alsa vs. /usr/share/alsa, or how I might reset the config. back to some sort of default?
-- [neil@fnx ~]# rm -f .signature [neil@fnx ~]# ls -l .signature ls: .signature: No such file or directory [neil@fnx ~]# exit