dinar kadri just took the Movie Compatibility Test (MCT) at Flixster.com. dinar would like you to come take the test to find out if you two share similar taste in movies. http://www.flixster.com/servlet/invite/153199906rbjA153200397BCm Flixster is a simple web site that lets you share movie ratings with friends and connect with people that share similar movie taste to you. Hope you like the site. Sincerely, Team Flixster (Joe & Saran) ________________________________________________________________ You have received this email because dinar k (top1me@xxxxxxxxxxx) directly invited you to join his/her community on Flixster. If you prefer not to receieve any Flixster invitations by email: http://www.flixster.com/DoNotSend.jsp?e=fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx It is against Flixster's policies to invite people you don't know directly. If you do not know the person who sent this invitation: http://www.flixster.com/userAuth.do?ReportAbuse=&i=153200397 Flixster, Inc, 208 Utah St 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA