Hi all, Have just read this thread as I am having exactly the same problem, however, my installation is 32bit and it's been working okay for a couple of weeks already. All services load up okay, then the machine hangs when tries to start the X server. From what I've read about the rhgb graphical booter, at that point it starts up the real X server on port :0 - up to that point it is running a temporary X server on :1. The weird thing about this is that if I boot up without rhgb on the grub bootline, I can start X Windows fine from the shell (although I'm not sure how to start the full gnome desktop). Does anyone know what gets run that's different from startx at this point? I assume there's a nice config file or script somewhere that runs up the login screen, deskop, wm, etc. Kind regards, Kat .: .: -- This is an email sent via the webforum on http://fcp.homelinux.org http://fcp.homelinux.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=79455&topic_id=19385&forum=10#forumpost79455