Something strange is going on
1/ Firefox/plugins had all the usual ln -s in it,with a copy in
/mozilla/plugins,java,mplayerplugin,Adobe etc. All that is left
from 48hrs ago is:-
[david@reddwarf ~]$ ls /usr/lib/firefox-
[david@reddwarf ~]$ ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ nphelix.xpt
And about:plugins shows
'Shockwave Flash'
'Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible'
and these aren't even in any of the plugin dirs.
2/ I went to ln -s the Java and Adobe files from /usr/local
and they were gone (the whole prog.) ,I checked for files in other dirs
and ~~ nothing!
its as if I didn't install them!
Installing plugins for Firefox-1.5 is still the same ---isn't it.