Hi All,
I am soon giving up on installing FC5.
I have an old computer which is running FC4 successfully since its
release. Soltek motherboard, Matrox Millenium II graphics, AMD 1600+,
256 MB memory. Nothing special.
I have downloaded the DVD and burned it using the computer above.
Since I can't run the mediacheck on this computer I have verified the
DVD on another computer. From that computer I was also able to run the
install program.
When I boot from the DVD I get the initial boot screen and the "linux:"
prompt. After the prompt I just get a black screen. No output, nothing.
I can see the lines showing loading of the kernel at the bottom of the
initial boot screen but after that - blank and no output.
I have tried a multitude of boot options. noacpi, noprobe, etc and
nothing works.
Since I don't even get some kind of output I have no idea where to start.
All suggestions would be appreciated.
Best regards