Yum logs & logwatch

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I've noticed on FC3 that I'm getting bogus reports of yum activity from logwatch.
The problem is that
1. Yum logs are not rotated. This is fine by me, they are not likely to become very large.
2. The date in yum logs doesn't include the year.

The result is that logwatch does not, cannot distinguish April 1 2005 from April 1 2006, and so reports previous years' update avtivity on its anniversary.

Now that I know the reason for the bogus reports I'm not going to bother with it further, but perhaps users of releases of FC that are officially supported could check this out and report if it it's a continuing bug?
The fix _I_ would prefer is to include the year in the log entries' date 
and for logwatch to include they year in its date comparisons.

At 25K, my yum log isn't big enough to warrant rotating it.

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