Re: firefox problem

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I tried both when it run and when it was dead. I guess that firefox found something strange with the old files and replaced them with new default ones. I didn't try to add a new bookmark before replacing the files so I don't know for sure if firefox had a copy somewhere of it or replaced it with a new file.
Next time I install a new system I backup my home dir as tar archive 
instead of an ordinary DVD to get everything stored correctly.

Tim wrote:
On Sat, 2006-04-01 at 13:50 +0200, David Pettersson wrote:
I figured out that I could open the bookmark file as a web-page, so I re-bookmaked each one I wanted to keep. Lot of work but it's done. I tried the copying, but it seemed to figure out what I've done despite that I removed or replaced everything that looked like a
If you mean that you tried copying your bookmarks file over and it
wouldn't use it and carried on using the wrong one (as far as you're
concerned), that's usually because you've had Firefox running while
messing with its files.  It needs to be completely dead while doing this
sort of thing.

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