Re: USB hard drive

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From: "Anil Kumar Sharma" <xplusaks@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "For users of Fedora Core releases" <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: USB hard drive
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 22:26:30 +0530

On 3/31/06, Jim Douglas <jdz99@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> No problem on Windows I copied file to the drive.
First, boot into windows (I hope U have Win2000 or XP)
Go into manage (Right click 'My Computer') -> manage -> disk management ->
check the  of partitons numbers and their format
(primary are 1-2-3-4.  extended are 5-6-7- - - - -  -)
It doesn't show any partition numbers at all on windows.

Now in linux try
# sfdisk -l    << use this very very carefully, better read manpages
beforehand >>
sfdisk -l /dev/sda says "No medium found"

The only difference between this and my memory stick is that the USB HD is FAT32. I was going to try reformatting to FAT with windows but the only option Windows gives me is NTFS .

Could the reason Linux is not recognizing this device be because it is FAT32?


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