Re: Kernel recompiling error

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Chethiya K Ranaweera wrote:
On 3/31/06, Neil Cherry <ncherry@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Chethiya K Ranaweera wrote:
I am trying to recompile the 2.6.16-1.2080_FC5 kernel. I followed the
instructions given in the fedora core website but I get a bunch of
errors in scripts/basic/fixdep.c file. Has anybody else experienced
this problem??
What did you install and how? Give the full commands please.

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry@xxxxxxxxxxx                         Main site                    My HA Blog               Backup site

First I installed rpmdevtools so that I can build the tree later.
After that, I installed the kernel-devel package first using yum. Then
I used yumdownloader to down load and install the kernel-source. Upto
this point everything worked fine.

Then I changed directoty to /rpmbuild/SPECS and gave the following command
rpmbuild -bp --target $(uname -m) kernel-2.6.spec
after sometime it gave me the above error I mentioned(errors in

I also tried to go to /usr/src/kernel/<kernel-ver> directory  and then
located the .config file. Then I changed the extraversion of the
Makefile and try to use
make xconfig
It compiled for sometime and gave me the "EXACT" error like before.
Does this mean anything? What should I do now?
I think I got burned by this too. Some one suggested that the
devel package is for building modules. I'd recommend downloading
the kernel source and using that instead. I'm not sure if that's
the correct way or not but it does work. You can get the kernel
source from the mirrors.

Linux Home Automation         Neil Cherry       ncherry@xxxxxxxxxxx                         Main site                    My HA Blog               Backup site

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