I used cpio to copy my FC3 installation from one volume to another on the same machine. It seems to work but I'd like to be sure I've done it properly and won't see wierd problems later when I upgrade to FC5. My procdeure was to: make a new LVM partition and filesystem the same size as original (actually I resized a FC5t3 partition and filesystem and did a "rm -rf /" on it) boot from (FC5) rescue CD mkdir /mnt/new mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol02 /mnt/new cd /mnt/sysimage find . -depth -noleaf -xdev -size -102400K -print0 | cpio -dumpa0 --sparse /mnt/new vi /mnt/new/fstab # edit to refer to LogVol02 # here would have been a good time to: touch /mnt/new/.autorelabel umount /mnt/new exit boot original FC3 cream /boot/grub/grub.conf # add new stanza for same kernel new LVM (gedit couldn't save the file) boot new installation with kernel option "enforcing=0" (eventually, after much horsing around with locking issues, etc., I decided that selinux was the problem and found the solution, which was to setenforce 0, mount the new copy, touch its /.autorelabel, unmount it, setenforce 1, and reboot as above.) Some might say that I should have used dump and restore. Is there an advantage over using cpio? I could have just used dd, but I tried cpio both as a learning experience and in order to optimize the filesystem. ____________________________________________________________________ TonyN.:' <mailto:tonynelson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ' <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>