Re: Can LVM1 read an LVM2 volume?

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William Murray wrote:
From: William Murray <W.J.Murray@xxxxxxxx> To: fedora-list Subject: Can LVM1 read an LVM2 volume? Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:37:39 +0100 Hello all,
               I would like to read my FC5 LVM disks, duak booted with
        an old
        (~RHEL3) system. If I try vgscan or pvscan on the RHEL 3 machine
        is nothing  visible.
Should I (can I ) remove the lvm layer from FC5?
           Or would it be easier to graft lvm2 into RHEL 3?
You might try using the trick I used to workaround #186395 in reverse:

Copy /sbin/lvm.static from your FC5 box to somewhere on the RHEL3 partition (don't overwrite the /sbin/lvm.static from RHEL3 though). Let's say you put it in /root/lvm.static
Then, in RHEL3, try:

/root/lvm.static vgscan
If that seems to work, try:
/root/lvm.static vgchange -ay


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