I am running ekiga on my workstation on a local network, and registered with asterisk on a PC which talks to both the local network and the internet. I don't have ekiga.net anywhere in my own configuration. However I am using the prefix 00 to identify calls going out to the worldwide PSTN. These calls seem to be tagged with ekiga.net as the SIP server, even though it is not. The result if I do not specifically specify @ (asterisk from the LAN side) when I dial a 00 number without the server being specified, the number will ring and gets answered, and the remote party can hear me, but I can't hear them. When I look at the call record, I see that call address is 001xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx, even though ekiga is registered to my asterisk and not to ekiga.net, and the SIP proxy is specified as the asterisk address. If on the other hand I specify the asterisk server in the calle, as in 001xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx, the call works fine. My question is where does ekiga get the server default ekiga.net from, and is there a way of getting it to behave more normally? I am using ekiga 2.0.1, with FC5. Thanks in advance for your help. -- Michael Shurtleff TKC Telecom Inc. +1 514 871 9060 x222 Public Key for mshurtleff@xxxxxxxxxxx stored on http://www.keyserver.net